MD Mariusz Kochanowski

implantology, prosthetics, cosmetic dentistry, clinic owner

Founder and owner of “Neo Dentica” Dental Clinic in Lodz.

Graduated at the Faculty of Dentistry at the Medical University of Lodz in 2002. Since graduation regularly participates in dozens of intensive national and international training in the field of implantology, oral surgery, prosthodontics and cosmetic dentistry. His PhD was obtained in 2011.

Since 2004 Assistant Medical University, Chair of the Department of Organ Disorders Chewing and Department of Prosthodontics, where he lectures and gives seminars. He is the author and co-author of numerous peer-reviewed articles in professional literature.

He was awarded the Platinum Preferred Member Award for 2011, 2012 and 2013 for his contribution to the development of implantology as a specialty, as well as outstanding achievements in the treatment of prosthetic implants. Platinum Preferred Members Awards are granted based on dozens of criteria, including: achievements, the dynamics of local campaigns to promote treatment, involvement in the dissemination of implant treatment among patients and the pursuit of development and further education.

In 2013 he was awarded the prestigious Certificate – International Skills in the field of dental implantology EDI – OSIS, a certificate recognising implant procedures of the highest international standards, consistent with the findings of the National Association of Dental Implantology.

Consultant Implant Biomet 3i and Keystone Dental.
Member of PSI – Polish Association of Implantology.
Member DGOI – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie.
Member of ICOI – International Congress of Oral Implantologists.


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